
Thursday, 14 March 2013

Android 4.0 Graphics and Animations

[This post is by Romain Guy and Chet Haase, Android engineers who have been known to collaborate on the subject of graphics, UIs, and animation. You can read more from them on their blogs at and — Tim Bray]

Earlier this year, Android 3.0 launched with a new 2D rendering pipeline designed to support hardware acceleration on tablets. With this new pipeline, all drawing operations performed by the UI toolkit are carried out using the GPU.

You’ll be happy to hear that Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, brings an improved version of the hardware-accelerated 2D rendering pipeline to phones, starting with Galaxy Nexus.

Enabling hardware acceleration

In Android 4.0 (API level 14), hardware acceleration, for the first time, is on by default for all applications. For applications at lower API levels, you can turn it on by adding android:hardwareAccelerated="true" to the tag in your AndroidManifest.xml.

To learn more about the hardware accelerated 2D rendering pipeline visit the official Android developer guide. This guide explains how to control hardware acceleration at various levels, offers several performance tips and tricks and describes in details the new drawing model.

I also encourage you to watch the Android Hardware Accelerated Rendering talk that we gave at Google I/O 2011.

Introducing TextureView

Applications that need to display OpenGL or video content rely today on a special type of UI element called SurfaceView. This widget works by creating a new window placed behind your application’s window. It then punches a hole through your application’s window to reveal the new window. While this approach is very efficient, since the content of the new window can be refreshed without redrawing the application’s window, it suffers from several important limitations.

Because a SurfaceView’s content does not live in the application’s window, it cannot be transformed (moved, scaled, rotated) efficiently. This makes it difficult to use a SurfaceView inside a ListView or a ScrollView. SurfaceView also cannot interact properly with some features of the UI toolkit such as fading edges or View.setAlpha().

To solve these problems, Android 4.0 introduces a new widget called TextureView that relies on the hardware accelerated 2D rendering pipeline and SurfaceTexture. TextureView offers the same capabilities as SurfaceView but, unlike SurfaceView, behaves as a regular view. You can for instance use a TextureView to display an OpenGL scene or a video stream. The TextureView itself can be animated, scrolled, etc.

The following piece of code creates a TextureView to display the video preview from the default camera. The TextureView itself is rotated 45 degrees and semi-transparent.

public class TextureViewActivity extends Activity implements TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener { private Camera mCamera; private TextureView mTextureView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mTextureView = new TextureView(this); mTextureView.setSurfaceTextureListener(this); setContentView(mTextureView); } @Override public void onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture surface, int width, int height) { mCamera =; Camera.Size previewSize = mCamera.getParameters().getPreviewSize(); mTextureView.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( previewSize.width, previewSize.height, Gravity.CENTER)); try { mCamera.setPreviewTexture(surface); } catch (IOException t) { } mCamera.startPreview();  mTextureView.setAlpha(0.5f); mTextureView.setRotation(45.0f); } @Override public void onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture surface, int width, int height) { // Ignored, the Camera does all the work for us } @Override public boolean onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture surface) { mCamera.stopPreview(); mCamera.release(); return true; } @Override public void onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture surface) { // Called whenever a new frame is available and displayed in the TextureView }}

A TextureView can just as easily be used to embed an OpenGL scene in your application. As of Android 4.0, eglCreateWindowSurface() can be used to render into a SurfaceTexture object.


There were minor improvements in Android 4.0 to some of the new animation facilities that were added in the 3.x releases.

First, if you're new to the new android.animation package and classes added in 3.0 and 3.1, you might want to read Animation in Honeycomb and Introducing ViewPropertyAnimator. These articles discuss the new APIs added in 3.0 that make animation in Android easier, more powerful, and more flexible. The Android 4.0 improvements discussed below are small additions to these core facilities.


One of the constraints of the Java programming language is the lack of “properties”. There is no way to refer generically to a field or a setter/getter of an object. As long as you know what kind of object you have, this is not a problem, because you then know the set of fields and methods that you can call. But if someone passes you some subclass of Object and you'd like to get or set some value “foo” on it, you're out of luck. You can use reflection or JNI to get access to the foo field/methods, but there is no way to refer directly to a field or a method unless you know the instance type of the object that has that field/method on it.

This is a constraint that the new animation system works within. Its whole job, you might say, is to get and set values on generic objects that it's been told about. If someone wants to animate the alpha property on a View, they tell the system the target object and the name of that field (“alpha”), and the animation system uses JNI to figure out which method(s) act on a field of that name. Basically, it looks for setAlpha() and, sometimes, getAlpha() methods. Then when an animation frame occurs, it calculates the new value and passes it into the setter method that it found.

This seems like a lot of work for what it does, but there's really no way around it. Unless the animation system were specific to View objects, there's no way that it could know that the target object has appropriate setter/getter methods. And even if it did, there's still no way for callers that construct the animations to tell the animator about the property named “alpha”; there are no function handles like there are in other languages, and there's no way to reference a public field either. (I'm ignoring Reflection here, which has Method and Field objects, because this approach requires much more overhead and processing than the simple function/field references of other languages).

If only there were a way to refer to these properties and to get/set them on generic objects...

Now there is. There is a new Property object in the android.util package that does exactly this. This class offers a set() and a get() method. So if someone hands you a Property object, you can safely call the set() and get() methods without knowing anything about the target object and it will do the job. Moreover, it will do it much more efficiently than the current JNI or reflection approaches because it can, depending on the implementation of it, set a field or call a method on the target object directly. For example, the new ALPHA property on View calls setAlpha() on the View object.

The Property class is a generic utility that can be used anywhere, not just in animations. But it's animations that benefit enormously from it, in their ability to handle properties in a type-safe and efficient manner.

For example prior to Android 4.0, you might construct a fade-out animation on some object myView like this:

ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", 0);

In Android 4.0, you can use the new ALPHA object on View to construct a Property-based animator instead:

ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, View.ALPHA, 0);

ViewPropertyAnimator Additions

There were minor API additions to the ViewPropertyAnimator class (introduced in Android 3.1) which make this class more flexible and powerful:

  • cancel(): You can now cancel() a running ViewPropertyAnimator.

  • setStartDelay(): You can now set a startDelay on the ViewPropertyAnimator, just like the startDelay of the other Animator classes.

  • start(): ViewPropertyAnimators start automatically, but they do so on the next animation frame handled. This allows them to collect several requests and bundle them together, which is much more efficient and makes it easier to synchronize multiple animations together. However, if you just want to run a single animation, or want to make sure it starts immediately, at the time of construction, you can call start() to avoid that intervening delay.


LayoutTransition (introduced in Android 3.0) continues to provide functionality that makes some kinds of animations easier, specifically when adding, removing, hiding, and showing views. For example, either this snippet in a layout file:

Or this code added at runtime:

 container.setLayoutTransition(new LayoutTransition());

will result in a container that animates the visibility of its children views. So when a view is added to the container, the other children will animate out of the way and then the new one will fade in. Similarly, removing a child from the container will fade it out and then animate the other children around to their final places and sizes.

You can customize the animations and timing behavior of a LayoutTransition object, but the code above allows a very easy way to get reasonable default animation behavior.

One of the constraints in the pre-4.0 version of the class was that it did not account for changes in the bounds of the parent hierarchy. So, for example, if a LinearLayout with horizontal orientation has a layout_width of wrap_content and you want to run a transition that removes an item from that layout, then you might notice the parent snapping to the end size and clipping its children instead of animating all of them into their new positions. The new approach (enabled by default, but disabled by a call to setAnimateParentHierarchy(false)) also animates the layout bounds and scrolling values of the parent layout and its parents, all the way up the view hierarchy. This allows LayoutTransition to account for all layout-related changes due to that view being added or removed from its transitioning container.


The Android 3.0 release saw huge improvements in the visual capabilities of the platform, as we started enabling hardware acceleration and providing new, more flexible animation capabilities. Android 4.0 continues this trend as we continue to work hard on improving the performance, features, and usability of the Android APIs. We’re not done yet, but the enhancements in this release should help you create more exciting Android experiences and applications.

Android Application Error Reports

[This post, the first in a series about new features in Android 2.2 ("Froyo"), is by Jacek Surazski, a Googler from our Krakow office. — Tim Bray]

The upcoming release of Android will include a new bug reporting feature for Market apps. Developers will receive crash and freeze reports from their users. The reports will be available when they log into their Android Market publisher account. No more blind debugging!

When an app freezes or stops responding, the user can send a bug report to the developer with a click of a button, right from their phone. The new button appears in the application error dialog; if the user chooses to click it, the Google Feedback client running on the device will analyze the offending app and compose a report with information needed to diagnose it. The system is set up with user privacy in mind — the app developer will not receive information which could identify the user in any way. The user can also preview all information that will be sent.

If users choose to do so, they may also send additional system information like device logs. Because there is a chance these may contain private information, they will not be passed on to the developer; they will be used by Google to track down bugs in the Android system itself.

On the receiving end, developers will get tools to diagnose, triage and fix bugs in their apps. A popular app can generate hundreds of thousands of reports. Google Feedback aggregates them into "bugs" - individual programming errors. Bugs are displayed to developers sorted by severity, measured as the rate at which reports for the bug are flowing in.

Clicking on a bug will display information such as stack traces, statistics about which type of hardware the bug occurred on and what versions of the app the user was running. In case of freezes, stack traces for all threads in the app will be displayed. This data should give developers a good idea how well their apps are faring in the wild.

Google is constantly working on improving and extending the feedback feature to provide developers with tools to improve the quality of their apps. The benefits should be felt by both developers and their users.

[I recommend watching the video of this feature's announcement in Vic Gundotra's Google I/O keynote on May 20th, mostly for the audience reaction. I hear that a high proportion of developers are making use of the Market's new "Bugs" tab. — Tim Bray]

Android 3.1 Platform, New SDK tools

As we announced at Google I/O, today we are releasing version 3.1 of the Android platform. Android 3.1 is an incremental release that builds on the tablet-optimized UI and features introduced in Android 3.0. It adds several new features for users and developers, including:

  • Open Accessory API. This new API provides a way for Android applications to integrate and interact with a wide range of accessories such as musical equipment, exercise equipment, robotics systems, and many others.
  • USB host API. On devices that support USB host mode, applications can now manage connected USB peripherals such as audio devices. input devices, communications devices, and more.
  • Input from mice, joysticks, and gamepads. Android 3.1 extends the input event system to support a variety of new input sources and motion events such as from mice, trackballs, joysticks, gamepads, and others.
  • Resizable Home screen widgets. Developers can now create Home screen widgets that are resizeable horizontally, vertically, or both.
  • Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) Applications can now receive notifications when external cameras are attached and removed, manage files and storage on those devices, and transfer files and metadata to and from them.
  • Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) API for audio. Developers can directly manage on-demand or interactive data streaming to enable VOIP, push-to-talk, conferencing, and audio streaming.

For a complete overview of what’s new in the platform, see the Android 3.1 Platform Highlights.

To make the Open Accessory API available to a wide variety of devices, we have backported it to Android 2.3.4 as an optional library. Nexus S is the first device to offer support for this feature. For developers, the 2.3.4 version of the Open Accessory API is available in the updated Google APIs Add-On.

Alongside the new platforms, we are releasing an update to the SDK Tools (r11).

Visit the Android Developers site for more information about Android 3.1, Android 2.3.4, and the updated SDK tools. To get started developing or testing on the new platforms, you can download them into your SDK using the Android SDK Manager.

Android 2.3 Platform and Updated SDK Tools

Today we're announcing a new version of the Android platform — Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). It includes many new platform technologies and APIs to help developers create great apps. Some of the highlights include:

Enhancements for game development: To improve overall responsiveness, we’ve added a new concurrent garbage collector and optimized the platform’s overall event handling. We’ve also given developers native access to more parts of the system by exposing a broad set of native APIs. From native code, applications can now access input and sensor events, EGL/OpenGL ES, OpenSL ES, and assets, as well a new framework for managing lifecycle and windows. For precise motion processing, developers can use several new sensor types, including gyroscope.

Rich multimedia: To provide a great multimedia environment for games and other applications, we’ve added support for the new video formats VP8 and WebM, as well as support for AAC and AMR-wideband encoding. The platform also provides new audio effects such as reverb, equalization, headphone virtualization, and bass boost.

New forms of communication: The platform now includes support for front-facing camera, SIP/VOIP, and Near Field Communications (NFC), to let developers include new capabilities in their applications.

For a complete overview of what’s new in the platform, see the Android 2.3 Platform Highlights.

Alongside the new platform, we are releasing updates to the SDK Tools (r8), NDK, and ADT Plugin for Eclipse (8.0.0). New features include:

Simplified debug builds: Developers can easily generate debug packages without having to manually configure the application’s manifest, making workflow more efficient.

Integrated ProGuard support: ProGuard is now packaged with the SDK Tools. Developers can now obfuscate their code as an integrated part of a release build.

HierarchyViewer improvements: The HierarchyViewer tool includes an updated UI and is now accessible directly from the ADT Plugin.

Preview of new UI Builder: An early release of a new visual layout editor lets developers create layouts in ADT by dragging and dropping UI elements from contextual menus. It’s a work in progress and we intend to iterate quickly on it.

To get started developing or testing applications on Android 2.3, visit the Android Developers site for information about the Android 2.3 platform, the SDK Tools, the ADT Plugin and the new NDK.

Check out the video below to learn more about the new developer features in Android 2.3.

Android 2.3.3 Platform, New NFC Capabilities

Several weeks ago we released Android 2.3, which introduced several new forms of communication for developers and users. One of those, Near Field Communications (NFC), let developers get started creating a new class of contactless, proximity-based applications for users.

NFC is an emerging technology that promises exciting new ways to use mobile devices, including ticketing, advertising, ratings, and even data exchange with other devices. We know there’s a strong interest to include these capabilities into many applications, so we’re happy to announce an update to Android 2.3 that adds new NFC capabilities for developers. Some of the features include:

  • A comprehensive NFC reader/writer API that lets apps read and write to almost any standard NFC tag in use today.
  • Advanced Intent dispatching that gives apps more control over how/when they are launched when an NFC tag comes into range.
  • Some limited support for peer-to-peer connection with other NFC devices.

We hope you’ll find these new capabilities useful and we’re looking forward to seeing the innovative apps that you will create using them.

Android 2.3.3 is a small feature release that includes a new API level, 10.Going forward, we expect most devices shipping with an Android 2.3 platform to run Android 2.3.3 (or later). For an overview of the API changes, see the Android 2.3.3 Version Notes. The Android 2.3.3 SDK platform for development and testing is available through the Android SDK Manager.

Android 3.0 Hardware Acceleration

[This post is by Romain Guy, who likes things on your screen to move fast. —Tim Bray]

One of the biggest changes we made to Android for Honeycomb is the addition of a new rendering pipeline so that applications can benefit from hardware accelerated 2D graphics. Hardware accelerated graphics is nothing new to the Android platform, it has always been used for windows composition or OpenGL games for instance, but with this new rendering pipeline applications can benefit from an extra boost in performance. On a Motorola Xoom device, all the standard applications like Browser and Calendar use hardware-accelerated 2D graphics.

In this article, I will show you how to enable the hardware accelerated 2D graphics pipeline in your application and give you a few tips on how to use it properly.

Go faster

To enable the hardware accelerated 2D graphics, open your AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following attribute to the tag:


If your application uses only standard widgets and drawables, this should be all you need to do. Once hardware acceleration is enabled, all drawing operations performed on a View's Canvas are performed using the GPU.

If you have custom drawing code you might need to do a bit more, which is in part why hardware acceleration is not enabled by default. And it's why you might want to read the rest of this article, to understand some of the important details of acceleration.

Controlling hardware acceleration

Because of the characteristics of the new rendering pipeline, you might run into issues with your application. Problems usually manifest themselves as invisible elements, exceptions or different-looking pixels. To help you, Android gives you 4 different ways to control hardware acceleration. You can enable or disable it on the following elements:

  • Application
  • Activity
  • Window
  • View

To enable or disable hardware acceleration at the application or activity level, use the XML attribute mentioned earlier. The following snippet enables hardware acceleration for the entire application but disables it for one activity:


If you need more fine-grained control, you can enable hardware acceleration for a given window at runtime:

 getWindow().setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED);

Note that you currently cannot disable hardware acceleration at the window level. Finally, hardware acceleration can be disabled on individual views:

 view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

Layer types have many other usages that will be described later.

Am I hardware accelerated?

It is sometimes useful for an application, or more likely a custom view, to know whether it currently is hardware accelerated. This is particularly useful if your application does a lot of custom drawing and not all operations are properly supported by the new rendering pipeline.

There are two different ways to check whether the application is hardware accelerated:

If you must do this check in your drawing code, it is highly recommended to use Canvas.isHardwareAccelerated() instead of View.isHardwareAccelerated(). Indeed, even when a View is attached to a hardware accelerated window, it can be drawn using a non-hardware accelerated Canvas. This happens for instance when drawing a View into a bitmap for caching purpose.

What drawing operations are supported?

The current hardware accelerated 2D pipeline supports the most commonly used Canvas operations, and then some. We implemented all the operations needed to render the built-in applications, all the default widgets and layouts, and common advanced visual effects (reflections, tiled textures, etc.) There are however a few operations that are currently not supported, but might be in a future version of Android:

  • Canvas
    • clipPath
    • clipRegion
    • drawPicture
    • drawPoints
    • drawPosText
    • drawTextOnPath
    • drawVertices
  • Paint
    • setLinearText
    • setMaskFilter
    • setRasterizer

In addition, some operations behave differently when hardware acceleration enabled:

  • Canvas
    • clipRect: XOR, Difference and ReverseDifference clip modes are ignored; 3D transforms do not apply to the clip rectangle
    • drawBitmapMesh: colors array is ignored
    • drawLines: anti-aliasing is not supported
    • setDrawFilter: can be set, but ignored
  • Paint
    • setDither: ignored
    • setFilterBitmap: filtering is always on
    • setShadowLayer: works with text only
  • ComposeShader
    • A ComposeShader can only contain shaders of different types (a BitmapShader and a LinearGradientShader for instance, but not two instances of BitmapShader)
    • A ComposeShader cannot contain a ComposeShader

If drawing code in one of your views is affected by any of the missing features or limitations, you don't have to miss out on the advantages of hardware acceleration for your overall application. Instead, consider rendering the problematic view into a bitmap or setting its layer type to LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE. In both cases, you will switch back to the software rendering pipeline.

Dos and don'ts

Switching to hardware accelerated 2D graphics is a great way to get smoother animations and faster rendering in your application but it is by no means a magic bullet. Your application should be designed and implemented to be GPU friendly. It is easier than you might think if you follow these recommendations:

  • Reduce the number of Views in your application: the more Views the system has to draw, the slower it will be. This applies to the software pipeline as well; it is one of the easiest ways to optimize your UI.
  • Avoid overdraw: always make sure that you are not drawing too many layers on top of each other. In particular, make sure to remove any Views that are completely obscured by other opaque views on top of it. If you need to draw several layers blended on top of each other consider merging them into a single one. A good rule of thumb with current hardware is to not draw more than 2.5 times the number of pixels on screen per frame (and transparent pixels in a bitmap count!)
  • Don't create render objects in draw methods: a common mistake is to create a new Paint, or a new Path, every time a rendering method is invoked. This is not only wasteful, forcing the system to run the GC more often, it also bypasses caches and optimizations in the hardware pipeline.
  • Don't modify shapes too often: complex shapes, paths and circles for instance, are rendered using texture masks. Every time you create or modify a Path, the hardware pipeline must create a new mask, which can be expensive.
  • Don't modify bitmaps too often: every time you change the content of a bitmap, it needs to be uploaded again as a GPU texture the next time you draw it.
  • Use alpha with care: when a View is made translucent using View.setAlpha(), an AlphaAnimation or an ObjectAnimator animating the “alpha” property, it is rendered in an off-screen buffer which doubles the required fill-rate. When applying alpha on very large views, consider setting the View's layer type to LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE.

View layers

Since Android 1.0, Views have had the ability to render into off-screen buffers, either by using a View's drawing cache, or by using Canvas.saveLayer(). Off-screen buffers, or layers, have several interesting usages. They can be used to get better performance when animating complex Views or to apply composition effects. For instance, fade effects are implemented by using Canvas.saveLayer() to temporarily render a View into a layer and then compositing it back on screen with an opacity factor.

Because layers are so useful, Android 3.0 gives you more control on how and when to use them. To to so, we have introduced a new API called View.setLayerType(int type, Paint p). This API takes two parameters: the type of layer you want to use and an optional Paint that describes how the layer should be composited. The paint parameter may be used to apply color filters, special blending modes or opacity to a layer. A View can use one of 3 layer types:

  • LAYER_TYPE_NONE: the View is rendered normally, and is not backed by an off-screen buffer.
  • LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE: the View is rendered in hardware into a hardware texture if the application is hardware accelerated. If the application is not hardware accelerated, this layer type behaves the same as LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE.
  • LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE: the View is rendered in software into a bitmap

The type of layer you will use depends on your goal:

  • Performance: use a hardware layer type to render a View into a hardware texture. Once a View is rendered into a layer, its drawing code does not have to be executed until the View calls invalidate(). Some animations, for instance alpha animations, can then be applied directly onto the layer, which is very efficient for the GPU to do.
  • Visual effects: use a hardware or software layer type and a Paint to apply special visual treatments to a View. For instance, you can draw a View in black and white using a ColorMatrixColorFilter.
  • Compatibility: use a software layer type to force a View to be rendered in software. This is an easy way to work around limitations of the hardware rendering pipeline.

Layers and animations

Hardware-accelerated 2D graphics help deliver a faster and smoother user experience, especially when it comes to animations. Running an animation at 60 frames per second is not always possible when animating complex views that issue a lot of drawing operations. If you are running an animation in your application and do not obtain the smooth results you want, consider enabling hardware layers on your animated views.

When a View is backed by a hardware layer, some of its properties are handled by the way the layer is composited on screen. Setting these properties will be efficient because they do not require the view to be invalidated and redrawn. Here is the list of properties that will affect the way the layer is composited; calling the setter for any of these properties will result in optimal invalidation and no redraw of the targeted View:

  • alpha: to change the layer's opacity
  • x, y, translationX, translationY: to change the layer's position
  • scaleX, scaleY: to change the layer's size
  • rotation, rotationX, rotationY: to change the layer's orientation in 3D space
  • pivotX, pivotY: to change the layer's transformations origin

These properties are the names used when animating a View with an ObjectAnimator. If you want to set/get these properties, call the appropriate setter or getter. For instance, to modify the alpha property, call setAlpha(). The following code snippet shows the most efficient way to rotate a View in 3D around the Y axis:

 view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "rotationY", 180).start();

Since hardware layers consume video memory, it is highly recommended you enable them only for the duration of the animation. This can be achieved with animation listeners:

 view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( view, "rotationY", 180); animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { view.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); } }); animator.start();

New drawing model

Along with hardware-accelerated 2D graphics, Android 3.0 introduces another major change in the UI toolkit’s drawing model: display lists, which are only enabled when hardware acceleration is turned on. To fully understand display lists and how they may affect your application it is important to also understand how Views are drawn.

Whenever an application needs to update a part of its UI, it invokes invalidate() (or one of its variants) on any View whose content has changed. The invalidation messages are propagated all the way up the view hierarchy to compute the dirty region; the region of the screen that needs to be redrawn. The system then draws any View in the hierarchy that intersects with the dirty region. The drawing model is therefore made of two stages:

  1. Invalidate the hierarchy
  2. Draw the hierarchy

There are unfortunately two drawbacks to this approach. First, this drawing model requires execution of a lot of code on every draw pass. Imagine for instance your application calls invalidate() on a button and that button sits on top of a more complex View like a MapView. When it comes time to draw, the drawing code of the MapView will be executed even though the MapView itself has not changed.

The second issue with that approach is that it can hide bugs in your application. Since views are redrawn anytime they intersect with the dirty region, a View whose content you changed might be redrawn even though invalidate() was not called on it. When this happens, you are relying on another View getting invalidated to obtain the proper behavior. Needless to say, this behavior can change every time you modify your application ever so slightly. Remember this rule: always call invalidate() on a View whenever you modify data or state that affects this View’s drawing code. This applies only to custom code since setting standard properties, like the background color or the text in a TextView, will cause invalidate() to be called properly internally.

Android 3.0 still relies on invalidate() to request screen updates and draw() to render views. The difference is in how the drawing code is handled internally. Rather than executing the drawing commands immediately, the UI toolkit now records them inside display lists. This means that display lists do not contain any logic, but rather the output of the view hierarchy’s drawing code. Another interesting optimization is that the system only needs to record/update display lists for views marked dirty by an invalidate() call; views that have not been invalidated can be redrawn simply by re-issuing the previously recorded display list. The new drawing model now contains 3 stages:

  1. Invalidate the hierarchy
  2. Record/update display lists
  3. Draw the display lists

With this model, you cannot rely on a View intersecting the dirty region to have its draw() method executed anymore: to ensure that a View’s display list will be recorded, you must call invalidate(). This kind of bug becomes very obvious with hardware acceleration turned on and is easy to fix: you would see the previous content of a View after changing it.

Using display lists also benefits animation performance. In the previous section, we saw that setting specific properties (alpha, rotation, etc.) does not require invalidating the targeted View. This optimization also applies to views with display lists (any View when your application is hardware accelerated.) Let’s imagine you want to change the opacity of a ListView embedded inside a LinearLayout, above a Button. Here is what the (simplified) display list of the LinearLayout looks like before changing the list’s opacity:

 DrawDisplayList(ListView) DrawDisplayList(Button)

After invoking listView.setAlpha(0.5f) the display list now contains this:

 SaveLayerAlpha(0.5) DrawDisplayList(ListView) Restore DrawDisplayList(Button)

The complex drawing code of ListView was not executed. Instead the system only updated the display list of the much simpler LinearLayout. In previous versions of Android, or in an application without hardware acceleration enabled, the drawing code of both the list and its parent would have to be executed again.

It’s your turn

Enabling hardware accelerated 2D graphics in your application is easy, particularly if you rely solely on standard views and drawables. Just keep in mind the few limitations and potential issues described in this document and make sure to thoroughly test your application!

Android 3.2 Platform and Updated SDK tools

Today we are announcing the Android 3.2 platform, an incremental release that adds several new capabilities for users and developers. The new platform includes API changes and the API level is 13.

Here are some of the highlights of Android 3.2:

Optimizations for a wider range of tablets. A variety of refinements across the system ensure a great user experience on a wider range of tablet devices.

Compatibility zoom for fixed-sized apps. A new compatibility display mode gives users a new way to view these apps on larger devices. The mode provides a pixel-scaled alternative to the standard UI stretching, for apps that are not designed to run on larger screen sizes.

Media sync from SD card. On devices that support a removable SD card, users can now load media files directly from the SD card to apps that use them.

Extended screen support API. For developers who want more precise control over their UI across the range of Android-powered devices, the platform’s screen support API is extended with new resource qualifiers and manifest attributes, to also allow targeting screens by their dimensions.

For a complete overview of what’s new in the platform, see the Android 3.2 Version Notes.

We would also like to remind developers that we recently released new version of the SDK Tools (r12) and of the Eclipse plug-in (ADT 12). We have also updated the NDK to r6.

Visit the Android Developers site for more information about Android 3.2 and other platform versions. To get started developing or testing on the new platform, you can download it into your SDK using the Android SDK Manager.

Android 4.0 Platform and Updated SDK Tools

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Today we are announcing Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich — a new version of the platform that brings a refined, unified user experience for phones, tablets, and more.

Android 4.0 builds on the things people love most about Android — efficient multitasking, rich notifications, customizable home screens, resizable widgets, and deep interactivity — and adds powerful new ways of communicating and sharing. It includes many great features for users, including social and sharing integration, network data usage control, innovative connectivity and camera options, and an updated set of standard apps.

For developers, Android 4.0 introduces many new capabilities and APIs. Here are some highlights:

Unified UI toolkit: A single set of UI components, styles, and capabilities for phones, tablets, and other devices.

Rich communication and sharing: New social and calendar APIs, Android Beam for NFC-based instant sharing, Wi-Fi Direct support, Bluetooth Health Device Profile support.

Deep interactivity and customization: Improved notifications, lockscreen with camera and music controls, and improved app management in the launcher.

New graphics, camera, and media capabilities: Image and video effects, precise camera metering and face detection, new media codecs and containers.

Interface and input: Hardware-accelerated 2D drawing, new grid-based layout, improved soft keyboard, spell-checker API, stylus input support, and better mouse support.

Improved accessibility: New accessibility APIs and text-to-speech APIs for writing new engines.

Enhancements for enterprise: Keychain and VPN APIs for managing credentials and connections, a new administrator policy for disabling the camera.

For a complete overview of what’s new for users and developers, please read the Android 4.0 Platform Highlights.

Alongside the new Android platform, we are releasing new versions of the SDK Tools (r14) and ADT Plugin (14.0) for Eclipse. Among the highlights are:

  • Improved build performance in Ant and Eclipse
  • Improved layout and XML editors

To get started developing on Android 4.0, visit the Android Developers site for information about the Android 4.0 platform, the SDK Tools, and the ADT Plugin.

If you have already developed and published apps, we encourage you to download the Android 4.0 platform now, to begin testing your app before devices arrive in stores.

Check out the video below for a closer look at Android 4.0 in action.

Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools

Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) is a new version of the Android platform that is designed from the ground up for devices with larger screen sizes, particularly tablets. It introduces a new “holographic” UI theme and an interaction model that builds on the things people love about Android — multitasking, notifications, widgets, and others — and adds many new features as well.

Besides the user-facing features it offers, Android 3.0 is also specifically designed to give developers the tools and capabilities they need to create great applications for tablets and similar devices, together with the flexibility to adapt existing apps to the new UI while maintaining compatibility with earlier platform versions and other form-factors.

Today, we are releasing a preview of the Android 3.0 SDK, with non-final APIs and system image, to allow developers to start testing their existing applications on the tablet form-factor and begin getting familiar with the new UI patterns, APIs, and capabilties that will be available in Android 3.0.

Here are some of the highlights:

UI framework for creating great apps for larger screen devices: Developers can use a new UI components, new themes, richer widgets and notifications, drag and drop, and other new features to create rich and engaging apps for users on larger screen devices.

High-performance 2D and 3D graphics: A new property-based animation framework lets developers add great visual effects to their apps. A built-in GL renderer lets developers request hardware-acceleration of common 2D rendering operations in their apps, across the entire app or only in specific activities or views. For adding rich 3D scenes, developers take advantage of a new 3D graphics engine called Renderscript.

Support for multicore processor architectures: Android 3.0 is optimized to run on either single- or dual-core processors, so that applications run with the best possible performance.

Rich multimedia: New multimedia features such as HTTP Live streaming support, a pluggable DRM framework, and easy media file transfer through MTP/PTP, give developers new ways to bring rich content to users.

New types of connectivity: New APIs for Bluetooth A2DP and HSP let applications offer audio streaming and headset control. Support for Bluetooth insecure socket connection lets applications connect to simple devices that may not have a user interface.

Enhancements for enterprise: New administrative policies, such as for encrypted storage and password expiration, help enterprise administrators manage devices more effectively.

For an complete overview of the new user and developer features, see the Android 3.0 Platform Highlights.

Additionally, we are releasing updates to our SDK Tools (r9), NDK (r5b), and ADT Plugin for Eclipse (9.0.0). Key features include:

  • UI Builder improvements in the ADT Plugin:
    • Improved drag-and-drop in the editor, with better support for included layouts.
    • In-editor preview of objects animated with the new animation framework.
    • Visualization of UI based on any version of the platform. independent of project target. Improved rendering, with better support for custom views.

To find out how to get started developing or testing applications using the Android 3.0 Preview SDK, see the Preview SDK Introduction. Details about the changes in the latest versions of the tools are available on the SDK Tools, the ADT Plugin, and NDK pages on the site.

Note that applications developed with the Android 3.0 Platform Preview cannot be published on Android Market. We’ll be releasing a final SDK in the weeks ahead that you can use to build and publish applications for Android 3.0.

Android 4.0.3 Platform and Updated SDK tools

Today we are announcing Android 4.0.3, an incremental release of the Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) platform. The new release includes a variety of optimizations and bug fixes for phones and tablets, as well as a small number of new APIs for developers. The new API level is 15.

Some of the new APIs in Android 4.0.3 include:

Social stream API in Contacts provider: Applications that use social stream data such as status updates and check-ins can now sync that data with each of the user’s contacts, providing items in a stream along with photos for each. This new API lets apps show users what the people they know are doing or saying, in addition to their photos and contact information.

Calendar provider enhancements. Apps can now add color to events, for easier tracking, and new attendee types and states are now available.

New camera capabilities. Apps can now check and manage video stabilization and use QVGA resolution profiles where needed.

Accessibility refinements. Improved content access for screen readers and new status and error reporting for text-to-speech engines.

Incremental improvements in graphics, database, spell-checking, Bluetooth, and more.

For a complete overview of what’s new in the platform, see the Android 4.0.3 API Overview.

Going forward, we’ll be focusing our partners on Android 4.0.3 as the base version of Ice Cream Sandwich. The new platform will be rolling out to production phones and tablets in the weeks ahead, so we strongly encourage you to test your applications on Android 4.0.3 as soon as possible.

We would also like to remind developers that we recently released new version of the SDK Tools (r16) and of the Eclipse plug-in (ADT 16.0.1). We have also updated the NDK to r7.

Visit the Android Developers site for more information about Android 4.0.3 and other platform versions. To get started developing or testing on the new platform, you can download it into your SDK using the Android SDK Manager.