
Showing posts with label Layout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layout. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize by merging

In the previous installment of Android Layout Tricks, I showed you how to use the tag in XML layout to reuse and share your layout code. I also mentioned the and it's now time to learn how to use it.

The was created for the purpose of optimizing Android layouts by reducing the number of levels in view trees. It's easier to understand the problem this tag solves by looking at an example. The following XML layout declares a layout that shows an image with its title on top of it. The structure is fairly simple; a FrameLayout is used to stack a TextView on top of an ImageView:


This layout renders nicely as we expected and nothing seems wrong with this layout:

A FrameLayout is used to overlay a title on top of an image

Things get more interesting when you inspect the result with HierarchyViewer. If you look closely at the resulting tree you will notice that the FrameLayout defined in our XML file (highlighted in blue below) is the sole child of another FrameLayout:

A layout with only one child of same dimensions can be removed

Since our FrameLayout has the same dimension as its parent, by the virtue of using the fill_parent constraints, and does not define any background, extra padding or a gravity, it is totally useless. We only made the UI more complex for no good reason. But how could we get rid of this FrameLayout? After all, XML documents require a root tag and tags in XML layouts always represent view instances.

That's where the tag comes in handy. When the LayoutInflater encounters this tag, it skips it and adds the children to the parent. Confused? Let's rewrite our previous XML layout by replacing the FrameLayout with :


With this new version, both the TextView and the ImageView will be added directly to the top-level FrameLayout. The result will be visually the same but the view hierarchy is simpler:

Optimized view hierarchy using the merge tag

Obviously, using works in this case because the parent of an activity's content view is always a FrameLayout. You could not apply this trick if your layout was using a LinearLayout as its root tag for instance. The can be useful in other situations though. For instance, it works perfectly when combined with the tag. You can also use when you create a custom composite view. Let's see how we can use this tag to create a new view called OkCancelBar which simply shows two buttons with customizable labels. You can also download the complete source code of this example. Here is the XML used to display this custom view on top of an image:


This new layout produces the following result on a device:

Creating a custom view with the merge tag

The source code of OkCancelBar is very simple because the two buttons are defined in an external XML file, loaded using a LayoutInflate. As you can see in the following snippet, the XML layout R.layout.okcancelbar is inflated with the OkCancelBar as the parent:

public class OkCancelBar extends LinearLayout { public OkCancelBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); setOrientation(HORIZONTAL); setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); setWeightSum(1.0f);  LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.okcancelbar, this, true);  TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.OkCancelBar, 0, 0);  String text = array.getString(R.styleable.OkCancelBar_okLabel); if (text == null) text = "Ok"; ((Button) findViewById(;  text = array.getString(R.styleable.OkCancelBar_cancelLabel); if (text == null) text = "Cancel"; ((Button) findViewById(;  array.recycle(); }}

The two buttons are defined in the following XML layout. As you can see, we use the tag to add the two buttons directly to the OkCancelBar. Each button is included from the same external XML layout file to make them easier to maintain; we simply override their id:


We have created a flexible and easy to maintain custom view that generates an efficient view hierarchy:

The resulting hierarchy is simple and efficient

The tag is extremely useful and can do wonders in your code. However, it suffers from a couple of limitation:

  • can only be used as the root tag of an XML layout
  • When inflating a layout starting with a , you must specify a parent ViewGroup and you must set attachToRoot to true (see the documentation of the inflate() method)

In the next installment of Android Layout Tricks you will learn about ViewStub, a powerful variation of that can help you further optimize your layouts without sacrificing features.

Download the complete source code of this example.

Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize with stubs

Sharing and reusing layouts is very easy with Android thanks to the tag, sometimes even too easy and you might end up with user interfaces that contain a large number of views, some of which are rarely used. Thankfully, Android offers a very special widget called ViewStub, which brings you all the benefits of the without polluting your user interface with rarely used views.

A ViewStub is a dumb and lightweight view. It has no dimension, it does not draw anything and does not participate in the layout in any way. This means a ViewStub is very cheap to inflate and very cheap to keep in a view hierarchy. A ViewStub can be best described as a lazy include. The layout referenced by a ViewStub is inflated and added to the user interface only when you decide so.

The following screenshot comes from the Shelves application. The main purpose of the activity shown in the screenshot is to present the user with a browsable list of books:

The same activity is also used when the user adds or imports new books. During such an operation, Shelves shows extra bits of user interface. The screenshot below shows the progress bar and cancel button that appear at the bottom of the screen during an import:

Because importing books is not a common operation, at least when compared to browsing the list of books, the import panel is originally represented by a ViewStub:

When the user initiates the import process, the ViewStub is inflated and replaced by the content of the layout file it references:

To use a ViewStub all you need is to specify an android:id attribute, to later inflate the stub, and an android:layout attribute, to reference what layout file to include and inflate. A stub lets you use a third attribute, android:inflatedId, which can be used to override the id of the root of the included file. Finally, the layout parameters specified on the stub will be applied to the roof of the included layout. Here is an example:

When you are ready to inflate the stub, simply invoke the inflate() method. You can also simply change the visibility of the stub to VISIBLE or INVISIBLE and the stub will inflate. Note however that the inflate() method has the benefit of returning the root View of the inflate layout:

((ViewStub) findViewById(;// orView importPanel = ((ViewStub) findViewById(;

It is very important to remember that after the stub is inflated, the stub is removed from the view hierarchy. As such, it is unnecessary to keep a long-lived reference, for instance in an class instance field, to a ViewStub.

A ViewStub is a great compromise between ease of programming and efficiency. Instead of inflating views manually and adding them at runtime to your view hierarchy, simply use a ViewStub. It's cheap and easy. The only drawback of ViewStub is that it currently does not support the tag.

Happy coding!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Android Layout Tricks #1

The Android UI toolkit offers several layout managers that are rather easy to use and, most of the time, you only need the basic features of these layout managers to implement a user interface. Sticking to the basic features is unfortunately not the most efficient way to create user interfaces. A common example is the abuse of LinearLayout, which leads to a proliferation of views in the view hierarchy. Every view, or worse every layout manager, you add to your application comes at a cost: initialization, layout and drawing become slower. The layout pass can be especially expensive when you nest several LinearLayout that use the weight parameter, which requires the child to be measured twice.

Let's consider a very simple and common example of a layout: a list item with an icon on the left, a title at the top and an optional description underneath the title. Here is what such an item looks like:

Simple list item

To clearly understand how the views, one ImageView and two TexView, are positioned with respect to each other, here is the wireframe of the layout as captured by HierarchyViewer:

Wireframe of the simple list item

Implementing this layout is straightforward with LinearLayout. The item itself is a horizontal LinearLayout with an ImageView and a vertical LinearLayout, which contains the two TextViews. The source code of this layout is the following:


This layout works but can be wasteful if you instantiate it for every list item of a ListView. The same layout can be rewritten using a single RelativeLayout, thus saving one view, and even better one level in view hierarchy, per list item. The implementation of the layout with a RelativeLayout remains simple:


This new implementation behaves exactly the same way as the previous implementation, except in one case. The list item we want to display has two lines of text: the title and an optional description. When a description is not available for a given list item, the application would simply set the visibility of the second TextView to GONE. This works perfectly with the LinearLayout implementation but not with the RelativeLayout version:

RelativeLayout and description GONE
RelativeLayout and description GONE

In a RelativeLayout, views are aligned either with their parent, the RelativeLayout itself, or other views. For instance, we declared that the description is aligned with the bottom of the RelativeLayout and that the title is positioned above the description and anchored to the parent's top. With the description GONE, RelativeLayout doesn't know where to position the title's bottom edge. To solve this problem, you can use a very special layout parameter called alignWithParentIfMissing.

This boolean parameter simply tells RelativeLayout to use its own edges as anchors when a constraint target is missing. For instance, if you position a view to the right of a GONE view and set alignWithParentIfMissing to true, RelativeLayout will instead anchor the view to its left edge. In our case, using alignWithParentIfMissing will cause RelativeLayout to align the title's bottom with its own bottom. The result is the following:

RelativeLayout, description GONE and alignWithParentIfMissing
RelativeLayout, description GONE and alignWithParentIfMissing

The behavior of our layout is now perfect, even when the description is GONE. Even better, the hierarchy is simpler and because we are not using LinearLayout's weights it's also more efficient. The difference between the two implementations becomes obvious when comparing the view hierarchies in HierarchyViewer:

LinearLayout vs RelativeLayout

Again, the difference will be much more important when you use such a layout for every item in a ListView for instance. Hopefully this simple example showed you that getting to know your layouts is the best way to learn how to optimize your UI.

Android Layout Tricks #2: Reusing layouts

Android comes with a wide variety of widgets, small visual construction blocks you can glue together to present the users with complex and useful interfaces. However applications often need higher level visual components. A component can be seen as a complex widget made of several simple stock widgets. You could for instance reuse a panel containing a progress bar and a cancel button, a panel containing two buttons (positive and negative actions), a panel with an icon, a title and a description, etc. Creating new components can be done easily by writing a custom View but it can be done even more easily using only XML.

In Android XML layout files, each tag is mapped to an actual class instance (the class is always a subclass of View.) The UI toolkit lets you also use three special tags that are not mapped to a View instance: , and . The latter, , can be used to create pure XML visual components. (Note: I will present the tag in the next installment of Android Layout Tricks.)

The does exactly what its name suggests; it includes another XML layout. Using this tag is straightforward as shown in the following example, taken straight from the source code of the Home application that currently ships with Android:


In the only the layout attribute is required. This attribute, without the android namespace prefix, is a reference to the layout file you wish to include. In this example, the same layout is included three times in a row. This tag also lets you override a few attributes of the included layout. The above example shows that you can use android:id to specify the id of the root view of the included layout; it will also override the id of the included layout if one is defined. Similarly, you can override all the layout parameters. This means that any android:layout_* attribute can be used with the tag. Here is an example:

This tag is particularly useful when you need to customize only part of your UI depending on the device's configuration. For instance, the main layout of your activity can be placed in the layout/ directory and can include another layout which exists in two flavors, in layout-land/ and layout-port/. This allows you to share most of the UI in portrait and landscape.

Like I mentioned earlier, my next post will explain the , which can be particularly powerful when combined with .