
Sunday, 24 March 2013

Application Visibility Issues

Recently we became aware that some Android applications were not visible on the Android Market. While we were internally troubleshooting and qualifying the fix and communicating with our hardware partners, developers were trying hard to get our help through various technical support sites. Regrettably, we fell short of our own standard for customer support by not communicating the issue to our developers and how we were working to resolve it.

We’re pleased to say that the issue looks to be resolved with a patch, and to our best knowledge, all apps that were previously impacted are up and visible again. Again, apologies for the delay and inconvenience this created.

Apps on SD Card: The Details

[This post is by Suchi Amalapurapu, an engineer who worked on this feature. — Tim Bray]

Android 2.2 supports application installation on external storage devices like the SD card. This should give users room for many more apps, and will also benefit certain categories, like games, that need huge assets.

(Note that not all of the contents of an “SD-card-resident” APK are actually on the card; the dex files, private data directories, and native shared libraries remain in internal storage.)

The “Manage Applications” screen in the Settings app now has an “On SD Card” tab. The sizes listed in Manage Applications only include the space taken by the application on internal storage.

The Application Info screen now has either a “move to SD card” or “move to phone” button, but this is often disabled. Copy-protected apps and updates to system apps can’t be moved to the SD card, nor can those which are don’t specify that they work on the SD card.

Controlling Installation Preference

SD-card installation is an optional feature on Android 2.2, is under the control of the developer not the user, and will not affect any applications built prior to Android 2.2.

Application developers can set the field android:installLocation in the root manifest element to one of these values:

  • internalOnly: Install the application on internal storage only. This will result in storage errors if the device runs low on internal storage.

  • preferExternal: The android system tries to install the application on external storage. If that is full, the application is installed on internal storage.

  • auto: Let the Android system decide the best install location for the application. The default system policy is to install the application on internal storage first. If the system is running low on storage, the application is then installed on external storage.

If the installLocation is not specified (as is the case for all applications prior to Android 2.2), the application is installed on internal storage. Application updates will by default try to retain their install location, but application developers may change the installLocation field in an update. Installing an application with this new attribute on older devices will not break compatibility and these applications will be installed on internal storage only.

Application developers can also explicitly install under-development code on external storage via adb install flags, which override the installLocation field: -f for internal storage, and -s for external storage. They can also override the default install location to verify and test application installation on SD card with an adb shell pm command:

adb shell pm setInstallLocation option

Where option is one of:

  • 0 [auto] Let the system decide.

  • 1 [internal only]

  • 2 [external]

The current install location can be retrieved via
adb shell pm getInstallLocation
Note that changing this default can cause applications to misbehave if they’re not prepared to live on the SD card.

USB Mass Storage interactions

The Android system stores the SD-card-resident applications’ APKs in a secure application-specific container. A new flag FLAG_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in ApplicationInfo object indicates that an application is currently installed on the SD card. This storage is removed when an SD-card-resident app is uninstalled.

When an Android device’s SD card is unmounted, applications installed on it are no longer available. Their internal storage is still there and such apps can be uninstalled without replacing the SD card.

The Android framework provides several broadcast intents to support the (small) class of applications, such as launchers, that access other applications’ resources:

  • When the SD card is unmounted, ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE with a list of the disabled applications and a list of corresponding application uid’s via extra attributes in the broadcast intent.

  • When the SD card is mounted, ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE with a list of enabled applications and a list of corresponding application uid’s via extra attributes in the broadcast intent.

Applications that handle broadcast intents like ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED, ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED may also want to handle these additional notifications.

When an application gets moved between internal to external storage and vice versa, the application is disabled first (which includes broadcasting intent ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE), the asset resources are copied, and then the application is enabled (which includes broadcasting intent ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE).

Security and Performance Implications

Applications on SD card are mounted via Linux’s loopback interface and encrypted via a device-specific key, so they cannot be decrypted on any other device. Note that this is security measure and does not provide copy protection; the apps are world readable just like the resources of normal applications installed on the device’s internal storage. Copy-protected applications cannot be installed on external media. In the interests of stability, updates to system applications also cannot be installed on the external media. The application resources stored on external storage are read-only and hence there are no performance issues with loading or launching applications on SD card.

Swapping or Transferring SD Card Contents

It has always been the case that when you swap SD cards on an Android device, if you physically copy the contents of the old card to the new one, the system will use the data on the new card as if nothing had changed. This is also true of apps which have been installed on the SD card.

When not to install on SD card?

The advantage of installing on SD card is easy to understand: contention for storage space is reduced. There are costs, the most obvious being that your app is disabled when the SD card is either removed or in USB Mass Storage mode; this includes running Services, not just interactive Activities. Aside from this, device removal disables an application’s Widgets, Input methods, Account Managers, Device administrators, Live wallpapers, and Live folders, and may require explicit user action to re-enable them.

Application Stats on Android Market

[This post is by Eric Chu, Android Developer Ecosystem. —Dirk Dougherty]

On the Android Market team, it’s been our goal to bring you improved ways of seeing and understanding the installation performance of your published applications. We know that this information is critical in helping you tune your development and marketing efforts. Today I’m pleased to let you know about an important new feature that we’ve added to Android Market called Application Statistics.

Application Statistics is a new type of dashboard in the Market Developer Console that gives you an overview of the installation performance of your apps. It provides charts and tables that summarize each app’s active installation trend over time, as well as its distribution across key dimensions such as Android platform versions, devices, user countries, and user languages. For additional context, the dashboard also shows the comparable aggregate distribution for all app installs from Android Market (numbering in the billions). You could use this data to observe how your app performs relative to the rest of Market or decide what to develop next.

To start with, we’ve seeded the application Statistics dashboards with data going back to December 22, 2010. Going forward, we’ll be updating the data daily.

We encourage you to check out these new dashboards and we hope they’ll give you new and useful insights into your apps’ installation performance. You can access the Statistics dashboards from the main Listings page in the Developer Console.

Watch for more announcements soon. We are continuing to work hard to deliver more reporting features to help you manage your products successfully on Android Market.

Announcing: Apps for Android

Screenshot of WikiNotes for AndroidWe are pleased to announce that a new open source project has been created on Google code hosting called apps-for-android. Our goal is to share some sample applications that demonstrate different aspects of the Android platform.

The first application to be included in the new project is called WikiNotes for Android.

For anyone not familiar with the concept of a wiki, it is a simple way to link up pages of information using WikiWords (words that use CamelCase). For example, in the previous sentence, both WikiWords and CamelCase would become live links in a Wiki, and would take you to pages of information.

WikiNotes for Android is a form of wiki known as a personal wiki. These run on desktops or (in this case) mobile computing devices, and many people like them. They bring a bit more structure to your notes than just a list of subjects. You can choose to link notes or pages up in any manner you like.

This particular implementation uses a regular expression to match WikiWords and turn them into links that fire Intents to go to other notes. Because of the way the links are implemented, the application will also create links out of telephone numbers that take you to the dialer and URLs that start up the browser.

Search by title and content is also implemented, so even if you forget the structure, you can still find that all-important note about where you left your car in the airport car park.

This wiki has a view mode and an edit mode. In view mode, the links become active and allow you to navigate to other notes, or to other activities like dialer and web browser. In edit mode, you see a plain text view that you can edit, and when you confirm the changes it goes back to view mode. There is both a menu entry and keyboard shortcut to switch to edit view, so that you can very quickly make changes. And, if you get lost in the note structure, there is also an option to take you back to the start page.

WikiNotes for Android was written to demonstrate a number of core concepts in Android, including:

  • Multiple Activities in an Application (View, Edit, Search, etc.)
  • Default intent filters for View/Edit/Search based on MIME types
  • Life cycle of Activities
  • Message passing via Bundles in Intents
  • Use of Linkify to add Intent-firing links to text data
  • Using Intents within an application
  • Using Intents to use an Activity within another application
  • Writing a custom ContentProvider that implements search by note title
  • Registration of ReST-like URIs to match titles, and do contents searches
  • SQLite implementations for insert, retrieve, update, delete and search
  • UI layout and creation for multiple activities
  • Menus and keyboard shortcuts

The application remains small in size and features to make it easy to understand. In time, more features will be added to the application to make it more useful, but a sample version with the minimal functionality will always be available for developers new to the Android platform.

If you believe that firing an Intent for every link that is clicked is sub-optimal and will waste resources, please take a look at the running application using DDMS. You will see how efficiently Android re-uses the running Activities and indeed, this is one of the main reasons WikiNotes for Android was written. It demonstrates that using the Android Activities and Intents infrastructure not only makes construction of component-based applications easy, but efficient as well.

There will also be a series of technical articles about the application right here on the Android Developer blog.

And please, keep an eye on the apps-for-android project, as more sample applications will be added to it soon.

Happy wiki-ing.

Announcing the Winners of ADC 2

Back in May at Google I/O, we announced ADC 2 -- the second Android Developer Challenge -- to encourage the development of cool apps that delight mobile users. We received many interesting and high-quality applications -- everything from exciting arcade games to nifty productivity utilities. We also saw apps that took advantage of openness of Android to enhance system behavior at a deep level to provide users with a greater degree of customization and utility. We were particularly pleased to see submissions from many smaller and independent developers.

Over the last couple of months, tens of thousands of Android users around the world reviewed and scored these applications. There were many great apps and the scores were very close. Together with our official panel of judges, these users have spoken and selected our winners!

I am pleased to present the ADC 2 winners gallery, which includes not only the top winners overall and in each category, but also all of the applications that made it to the top 200. There are a lot of great applications in addition to the top winners.

Thanks to everyone who submitted applications or helped us judge the entrants. We encourage all developers to submit their applications to Android Market where their app can be downloaded and enjoyed by Android users around the world.

Apps that work together

Android applications can easily be linked together using intents. One example of this involves Shazam, MySpace, and the Amazon MP3 Store. Once Shazam has identified a song, you can also search for the artist's official MySpace profile page or buy the song via via the Amazon MP3 app. Here, the three developers behind these apps talk about how they accomplished this:

To hear more about how the MySpace app for Android was built and lessons learned, watch Matt Kanninen:

Tomasz Zawada of Shazam also talks about his opinions on the Android platform and has some tips for developers building Android apps:

These and the other Android app developer videos can be found here.

Avoiding memory leaks

Android applications are, at least on the T-Mobile G1, limited to 16 MB of heap. It's both a lot of memory for a phone and yet very little for what some developers want to achieve. Even if you do not plan on using all of this memory, you should use as little as possible to let other applications run without getting them killed. The more applications Android can keep in memory, the faster it will be for the user to switch between his apps. As part of my job, I ran into memory leaks issues in Android applications and they are most of the time due to the same mistake: keeping a long-lived reference to a Context.

On Android, a Context is used for many operations but mostly to load and access resources. This is why all the widgets receive a Context parameter in their constructor. In a regular Android application, you usually have two kinds of Context, Activity and Application. It's usually the first one that the developer passes to classes and methods that need a Context:

@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle state) { super.onCreate(state);  TextView label = new TextView(this); label.setText("Leaks are bad");  setContentView(label);}

This means that views have a reference to the entire activity and therefore to anything your activity is holding onto; usually the entire View hierarchy and all its resources. Therefore, if you leak the Context ("leak" meaning you keep a reference to it thus preventing the GC from collecting it), you leak a lot of memory. Leaking an entire activity can be really easy if you're not careful.

When the screen orientation changes the system will, by default, destroy the current activity and create a new one while preserving its state. In doing so, Android will reload the application's UI from the resources. Now imagine you wrote an application with a large bitmap that you don't want to load on every rotation. The easiest way to keep it around and not having to reload it on every rotation is to keep in a static field:

private static Drawable sBackground;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle state) { super.onCreate(state);  TextView label = new TextView(this); label.setText("Leaks are bad");  if (sBackground == null) { sBackground = getDrawable(R.drawable.large_bitmap); } label.setBackgroundDrawable(sBackground);  setContentView(label);}

This code is very fast and also very wrong; it leaks the first activity created upon the first screen orientation change. When a Drawable is attached to a view, the view is set as a callback on the drawable. In the code snippet above, this means the drawable has a reference to the TextView which itself has a reference to the activity (the Context) which in turns has references to pretty much anything (depending on your code.)

This example is one of the simplest cases of leaking the Context and you can see how we worked around it in the Home screen's source code (look for the unbindDrawables() method) by setting the stored drawables' callbacks to null when the activity is destroyed. Interestingly enough, there are cases where you can create a chain of leaked contexts, and they are bad. They make you run out of memory rather quickly.

There are two easy ways to avoid context-related memory leaks. The most obvious one is to avoid escaping the context outside of its own scope. The example above showed the case of a static reference but inner classes and their implicit reference to the outer class can be equally dangerous. The second solution is to use the Application context. This context will live as long as your application is alive and does not depend on the activities life cycle. If you plan on keeping long-lived objects that need a context, remember the application object. You can obtain it easily by calling Context.getApplicationContext() or Activity.getApplication().

In summary, to avoid context-related memory leaks, remember the following:

  • Do not keep long-lived references to a context-activity (a reference to an activity should have the same life cycle as the activity itself)
  • Try using the context-application instead of a context-activity
  • Avoid non-static inner classes in an activity if you don't control their life cycle, use a static inner class and make a weak reference to the activity inside. The solution to this issue is to use a static inner class with a WeakReference to the outer class, as done in ViewRoot and its W inner class for instance
  • A garbage collector is not an insurance against memory leaks

Note: This article was originally posted on my personal blog.

Back and other hard keys: three stories

Android 2.0 introduces new behavior and support for handling hard keys such as BACK and MENU, including some special features to support the virtual hard keys that are appearing on recent devices such as Droid.

This article will give you three stories on these changes: from the most simple to the gory details. Pick the one you prefer.

Story 1: Making things easier for developers

If you were to survey the base applications in the Android platform, you would notice a fairly common pattern: add a little bit of magic to intercept the BACK key and do something different. To do this right, the magic needs to look something like this:

@Overridepublic boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { // do something on back. return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);}

How to intercept the BACK key in an Activity is also one of the common questions we see developers ask, so as of 2.0 we have a new little API to make this more simple and easier to discover and get right:

@Overridepublic void onBackPressed() {// do something on back.return;}

If this is all you care about doing, and you're not worried about supporting versions of the platform before 2.0, then you can stop here. Otherwise, read on.

Story 2: Embracing long press

One of the fairly late addition to the Android platform was the use of long press on hard keys to perform alternative actions. In 1.0 this was long press on HOME for the recent apps switcher and long press on CALL for the voice dialer. In 1.1 we introduced long press on SEARCH for voice search, and 1.5 introduced long press on MENU to force the soft keyboard to be displayed as a backwards compatibility feature for applications that were not yet IME-aware.

(As an aside: long press on MENU was only intended for backwards compatibility, and thus has some perhaps surprising behavior in how strongly the soft keyboard stays up when it is used. This is not intended to be a standard way to access the soft keyboards, and all apps written today should have a more standard and visible way to bring up the IME if they need it.)

Unfortunately the evolution of this feature resulted in a less than optimal implementation: all of the long press detection was implemented in the client-side framework's default key handling code, using timed messages. This resulted in a lot of duplication of code and some behavior problems; since the actual event dispatching code had no concept of long presses and all timing for them was done on the main thread of the application, the application could be slow enough to not update within the long press timeout.

In Android 2.0 this all changes, with a real KeyEvent API and callback functions for long presses. These greatly simplify long press handling for applications, and allow them to interact correctly with the framework. For example: you can override Activity.onKeyLongPress() to supply your own action for a long press on one of the hard keys, overriding the default action provided by the framework.

Perhaps most significant for developers is a corresponding change in the semantics of the BACK key. Previously the default key handling executed the action for this key when it was pressed, unlike the other hard keys. In 2.0 the BACK key is now execute on key up. However, for existing apps, the framework will continue to execute the action on key down for compatibility reasons. To enable the new behavior in your app you must set android:targetSdkVersion in your manifest to 5 or greater.

Here is an example of code an Activity subclass can use to implement special actions for a long press and short press of the CALL key:

@Overridepublic boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL) { // a long press of the call key. // do our work, returning true to consume it. by // returning true, the framework knows an action has // been performed on the long press, so will set the // canceled flag for the following up event. return true; } return super.onKeyLongPress(keyCode, event);}
@Overridepublic boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL && event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) { // if the call key is being released, AND we are tracking // it from an initial key down, AND it is not canceled, // then handle it. return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);}

Note that the above code assumes we are implementing different behavior for a key that is normally processed by the framework. If you want to implement long presses for another key, you will also need to override onKeyDown to have the framework track it:

@Overridepublic boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0) { // this tells the framework to start tracking for // a long press and eventual key up. it will only // do so if this is the first down (not a repeat). event.startTracking(); return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);}

Story 3: Making a mess with virtual keys

Now we come to the story of our original motivation for all of these changes: support for virtual hard keys, as seen on the Droid and other upcoming devices. Instead of physical buttons, these devices have a touch sensor that extends outside of the visible screen, creating an area for the "hard" keys to live as touch sensitive areas. The low-level input system looks for touches on the screen in this area, and turns these into "virtual" hard key events as appropriate.

To applications these basically look like real hard keys, though the generated events will have a new FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY bit set to identify them. Regardless of that flag, in nearly all cases an application can handle these "hard" key events in the same way it has always done for real hard keys.

However, these keys introduce some wrinkles in user interaction. Most important is that the keys exist on the same surface as the rest of the user interface, and they can be easily pressed with the same kind of touches. This can become an issue, for example, when the virtual keys are along the bottom of the screen: a common gesture is to swipe up the screen for scrolling, and it can be very easy to accidentally touch a virtual key at the bottom when doing this.

The solution for this in 2.0 is to introduce a concept of a "canceled" key event. We've already seen this in the previous story, where handling a long press would cancel the following up event. In a similar way, moving from a virtual key press on to the screen will cause the virtual key to be canceled when it goes up.

In fact the previous code already takes care of this — by checking isCanceled() on the key up, canceled virtual keys and long presses will be ignored. There are also individual flags for these two cases, but they should rarely be used by applications and always with the understanding that in the future there may be more reasons for a key event to be canceled.

For existing application, where BACK key compatibility is turned on to execute the action on down, there is still the problem of accidentally detecting a back press when intending to perform a swipe. Though there is no solution for this except to update an application to specify it targets SDK version 5 or later, fortunately the back key is generally positioned on a far side of the virtual key area, so the user is much less likely to accidentally hit it than some of the other keys.

Writing an application that works well on pre-2.0 as well as 2.0 and later versions of the platform is also fairly easy for most common cases. For example, here is code that allows you to handle the back key in an activity correctly on all versions of the platform:

@Overridepublic boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { // Take care of calling this method on earlier versions of // the platform where it doesn't exist. onBackPressed(); } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);}@Overridepublic void onBackPressed() { // This will be called either automatically for you on 2.0 // or later, or by the code above on earlier versions of the // platform. return;}

For the hard core: correctly dispatching events

One final topic that is worth covering is how to correctly handle events in the raw dispatch functions such as onDispatchEvent() or onPreIme(). These require a little more care, since you can't rely on some of the help the framework provides when it calls the higher-level functions such as onKeyDown(). The code below shows how you can intercept the dispatching of the BACK key such that you correctly execute your action when it is release.

@Overridepublic boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { // Tell the framework to start tracking this event. getKeyDispatcherState().startTracking(event, this); return true; } else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { getKeyDispatcherState().handleUpEvent(event); if (event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) { // DO BACK ACTION HERE return true; } } return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event); } else { return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event); }}

The call to getKeyDispatcherState() returns an object that is used to track the current key state in your window. It is generally available on the View class, and an Activity can use any of its views to retrieve the object if needed.

Backward compatibility for Android applications

Android 1.5 introduced a number of new features that application developers can take advantage of, like virtual input devices and speech recognition. As a developer, you need to be aware of backward compatibility issues on older devices—do you want to allow your application to run on all devices, or just those running newer software? In some cases it will be useful to employ the newer APIs on devices that support them, while continuing to support older devices.

If the use of a new API is integral to the program—perhaps you need to record video—you should add a manifest entry to ensure your app won't be installed on older devices. For example, if you require APIs added in 1.5, you would specify 3 as the minimum SDK version:

  ...  ... 

If you want to add a useful but non-essential feature, such as popping up an on-screen keyboard even when a hardware keyboard is available, you can write your program in a way that allows it to use the newer features without failing on older devices.

Using reflection

Suppose there's a simple new call you want to use, like android.os.Debug.dumpHprofData(String filename). The android.os.Debug class has existed since the first SDK, but the method is new in 1.5. If you try to call it directly, your app will fail to run on older devices.

The simplest way to call the method is through reflection. This requires doing a one-time lookup and caching the result in a Method object. Using the method is a matter of calling Method.invoke and un-boxing the result. Consider the following:

public class Reflect { private static Method mDebug_dumpHprofData; static { initCompatibility(); }; private static void initCompatibility() { try { mDebug_dumpHprofData = Debug.class.getMethod( "dumpHprofData", new Class[] { String.class } ); /* success, this is a newer device */ } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { /* failure, must be older device */ } } private static void dumpHprofData(String fileName) throws IOException { try { mDebug_dumpHprofData.invoke(null, fileName); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { /* unpack original exception when possible */ Throwable cause = ite.getCause(); if (cause instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) cause; } else if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) cause; } else if (cause instanceof Error) { throw (Error) cause; } else { /* unexpected checked exception; wrap and re-throw */ throw new RuntimeException(ite); } } catch (IllegalAccessException ie) { System.err.println("unexpected " + ie); } } public void fiddle() { if (mDebug_dumpHprofData != null) { /* feature is supported */ try { dumpHprofData("/sdcard/dump.hprof"); } catch (IOException ie) { System.err.println("dump failed!"); } } else { /* feature not supported, do something else */ System.out.println("dump not supported"); } }}

This uses a static initializer to call initCompatibility, which does the method lookup. If that succeeds, it uses a private method with the same semantics as the original (arguments, return value, checked exceptions) to do the call. The return value (if it had one) and exception are unpacked and returned in a way that mimics the original. The fiddle method demonstrates how the application logic would choose to call the new API or do something different based on the presence of the new method.

For each additional method you want to call, you would add an additional private Method field, field initializer, and call wrapper to the class.

This approach becomes a bit more complex when the method is declared in a previously undefined class. It's also much slower to call Method.invoke() than it is to call the method directly. These issues can be mitigated by using a wrapper class.

Using a wrapper class

The idea is to create a class that wraps all of the new APIs exposed by a new or existing class. Each method in the wrapper class just calls through to the corresponding real method and returns the same result.

If the target class and method exist, you get the same behavior you would get by calling the class directly, with a small amount of overhead from the additional method call. If the target class or method doesn't exist, the initialization of the wrapper class fails, and your application knows that it should avoid using the newer calls.

Suppose this new class were added:

public class NewClass { private static int mDiv = 1; private int mMult; public static void setGlobalDiv(int div) { mDiv = div; } public NewClass(int mult) { mMult = mult; } public int doStuff(int val) { return (val * mMult) / mDiv; }}

We would create a wrapper class for it:

class WrapNewClass { private NewClass mInstance; /* class initialization fails when this throws an exception */ static { try { Class.forName("NewClass"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /* calling here forces class initialization */ public static void checkAvailable() {} public static void setGlobalDiv(int div) { NewClass.setGlobalDiv(div); } public WrapNewClass(int mult) { mInstance = new NewClass(mult); } public int doStuff(int val) { return mInstance.doStuff(val); }}

This has one method for each constructor and method in the original, plus a static initializer that tests for the presence of the new class. If the new class isn't available, initialization of WrapNewClass fails, ensuring that the wrapper class can't be used inadvertently. The checkAvailable method is used as a simple way to force class initialization. We use it like this:

public class MyApp { private static boolean mNewClassAvailable; /* establish whether the "new" class is available to us */ static { try { WrapNewClass.checkAvailable(); mNewClassAvailable = true; } catch (Throwable t) { mNewClassAvailable = false; } } public void diddle() { if (mNewClassAvailable) { WrapNewClass.setGlobalDiv(4); WrapNewClass wnc = new WrapNewClass(40); System.out.println("newer API is available - " + wnc.doStuff(10)); } else { System.out.println("newer API not available"); } }}

If the call to checkAvailable succeeds, we know the new class is part of the system. If it fails, we know the class isn't there, and adjust our expectations accordingly. It should be noted that the call to checkAvailable will fail before it even starts if the bytecode verifier decides that it doesn't want to accept a class that has references to a nonexistent class. The way this code is structured, the end result is the same whether the exception comes from the verifier or from the call to Class.forName.

When wrapping an existing class that now has new methods, you only need to put the new methods in the wrapper class. Invoke the old methods directly. The static initializer in WrapNewClass would be augmented to do a one-time check with reflection.

Testing is key

You must test your application on every version of the Android framework that is expected to support it. By definition, the behavior of your application will be different on each. Remember the mantra: if you haven't tried it, it doesn't work.

You can test for backward compatibility by running your application in an emulator from an older SDK, but as of the 1.5 release there's a better way. The SDK allows you to specify "Android Virtual Devices" with different API levels. Once you create the AVDs, you can test your application with old and new versions of the system, perhaps running them side-by-side to see the differences. More information about emulator AVDs can be found in the SDK documentation and from emulator -help-virtual-device.

Learn about Android 1.5 and more at Google I/O. Members of the Android team will be there to give a series of in-depth technical sessions and to field your toughest questions.

Announcing the Android 1.0 SDK, release 1

About this time last year, my colleagues and I were preparing for the first of the "early look" SDK releases. I remember being a little freaked out—November 12 was starting to sound awfully close! But I think I can safely speak for the entire Android team when I say that we were all very excited about that upcoming release. In the year since, we've run and concluded the first Android Developer Challenge, given away $5,000,000, released more SDK builds, and worked with our partners to prepare the first device for users. It's been quite the whirlwind of a year.

In one of those strange cosmic symmetries, here we are a year later, and we're once again very excited about an upcoming release. I'm referring, of course, to the first Android-powered device that our colleagues at T-Mobile have just announced—the T-Mobile G1. We can't wait to see our hard work on store shelves and in the hands of users, but today we're almost as excited because we're announcing the brand-new Android 1.0 SDK, release 1.

Yes, that means we're officially at 1.0. Of course the SDK won't remain static—we'll keep improving the tools by adding features and fixing bugs. But now developers can rely on the APIs in the SDK, and can update their applications to run on Android 1.0-compatible devices. The Android Market beta will also launch with the T-Mobile G1, providing developers an easy and open way to distribute their applications on that and later devices. I've already seen a lot of applications that have me stoked, and I can't wait to see things really come together as developers cross that final mile to prepare their applications for Android 1.0.

So what's next for us? Well, we'll keep working on the SDK, as I said. But we're also working hard with our partners in the Open Handset Alliance on the open-source release, with the aim of making the code available in the fourth quarter. The second Android Developer Challenge is also on the horizon—watch this space for more details. We're also already working on the future of the Android platform, and on more devices. We've updated the Developer Roadmap, and we'll keep updating it as more information becomes available.

It has indeed been quite an exciting road to get to where we are today. The road stretches on ahead though, and we're not slowing down for a moment. I look forward to meeting and working with many of you developers out there—and trying out your apps on my phone!

Happy Coding!