
Showing posts with label Client. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Client. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Android Market Client Update

[This post is by Eric Chu, Android Developer Ecosystem. —Dirk Dougherty]

The Android Market engineering team has been hard at work on improving the Android Market experience for users and developers. Today, I’m pleased to announce a significant update to the Android Market client. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be rolling out a new Android Market client to all devices running Android 1.6 or higher.

This new Market client introduces important features that improve merchandising of applications, streamline the browse-to-purchase experience, and make it easier for developers to distribute their applications.

With a focus on improving discoverability and merchandising, we’ve introduced a new carousel on the home and category screens. Users can quickly flip through the carousel to view promoted applications and immediately go to the download page for the application they want. Developers have been very active in creating great Widgets and Live Wallpapers. To make it easier for users to find their favorites, we’re introducing two new categories for Widgets and Live Wallpapers. Applications that include Widgets and Wallpapers will be automatically added to those new categories. We’ll also be adding more categories for popular applications and games in the weeks ahead. In addition, the app details page now includes Related content, which makes it easier for users to quickly find apps of similar interest.

To streamline the browse-to-purchase experience, users can now access all the information about an application on a single page without the need to navigate across different tabs. We’re also introducing application content rating to provide users with more information about applications they are interested in. Since most users who request a refund do so within minutes of purchase, we will reduce the refund window on Market to 15 minutes. This change will be largely transparent to buyers, but will help developers manage their businesses more effectively.

To make it easier for developers to distribute and manage their products, we will introduce support for device targeting based on screen sizes and densities, as well as on GL texture compression formats. We are also increasing the maximum size for .apk files on Market to 50MB, to better support richer games.

With this release, we aimed to deliver features that are most requested by users and developers. However, we’re not done yet. We plan to continue to rapidly enhance Android Market for both users and developers and make it the best content distribution service for the Android ecosystem.

Please stay tuned as we continue to deliver new capabilities in the coming weeks and months.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Android C2DM — Client Login key expiration

[This post is by Francesco Nerieri, engineering team lead for C2DM — Tim Bray]

In the upcoming weeks, some of the older Client Login authentication keys will expire. If you generated the token you’re currently using to authenticate with the C2DM servers before October 2011, it will stop working.

If the response from the C2DM servers contains an Update-Client-Auth header, you’ll need to replace the current token with the one included in the header.

 // Check for updated token header String updatedAuthToken = conn.getHeaderField(UPDATE_CLIENT_AUTH); if (updatedAuthToken != null && !authToken.equals(updatedAuthToken)) {"Got updated auth token from datamessaging servers: " + updatedAuthToken); serverConfig.updateToken(updatedAuthToken); }

We suggest that you start using the Update-Client-Auth response header to update tokens regularly, as keys will expire periodically from now on. For example, have a look at the Chrome to Phone service hosted on; this code takes care of authenticating via Client Login and then sending a message:

Alternatively, you can manually generate a new Client Login token now and replace the one currently in use. ClientLogin can be used with any application that can make an HTTPS POST request. The POST request should be structured as a form post with the default encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded, like this:

POST /accounts/ClientLogin HTTP/1.0Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedaccountType=GOOGLE&

If the POST succeeds, the response contains the authorization token, labeled "Auth", which is your new token. You could even do this from the command line:

curl -d \ "accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE&" \ | \ grep Auth

If your request fails or if you are prompted for captchas, please read ClientLogin for Installed Applications. And of course, if you updated your code to use the Update-Client-Auth header after the keys had expired, then you will first need to manually generate a new token.

Have fun with C2DM!

Friday, 8 March 2013

Nokia Ovi Store App Client v1.16.6

Nokia Ovi Store App Client

Nokia Ovi Store App Client v1.16.6

Support/Info: S60v5/S^3 SymbianOS9.4 Signed {UPDATE}

Nokia launches a new application that will breathe life into clients mobile drilling. Users can choose between different applications, videos, games, productivity tools, web, podcasts, location services and more. The Ovi Store enables developers to list their programs in an online catalog so that users can easily download or buy.

More than 50 Nokia devices compatible with the store Ovi and can be accessed by visiting on the browser or download the standalone version of the application on your phone. We tried on our E71 and it worked on both the browser and through the application. The first game was successfully installed our phone crash, but we’ll save this as the fault of the application rather than Ovi Store.

Paid applications are also available, but the shop began to slow to a crawl as we wanted to try that. Perhaps a sign of teething problems. Nine selected countries, mainly in Europe but also including Australia and Singapore, also have a store dedicated Ovi which gives residents the opportunity to pay for programs through mobile operators outside of the standard billing credit card.

Mediafire Pass : GudangApps

Miror Download 
Miror Download 2

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Dynamic DNS client v2.1.0 Apk

Dynamic DNS client v2.1.0 Apk

Requirements: Android 1.5+
Overview: This application assigns a fixed domain name to your Android phone even though the IP address can change.

This application assigns a fixed domain name to your Android phone even though the IP address can change.
Works with all dynamic DNS providers, including,,,,,
for the official app please see my other app.
For more information see website.
I can't see or reply to all your comments in Market, so please email me at


Sunday, 24 February 2013

CutePress 1.0.31 - Wordpress Client For Nokia

CutePress 1.0.31

CutePress 1.0.31 - Wordpress Client For Nokia

CutePress allows user manage pages, posts, comments and media items on WordPress blogs. It needs an active GPRS connection or Wi-fi (on Wif-fi enabled devices) to access Internet. Cutepress is a QML version of WordPress for Nokia with some additional features. It supports WordPress 2.7 or higher ( or self-hosted). 

Issues: - In images, only half of the .JPG & .JPEG files are available for upload. - In QtQuick 1.0, there is some text display problem in TextEdit.