
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Android Love at OSCON

Android developers who aren't already going should take a moment to check out the OSCON 2010 schedule, and give serious thought to a trip to Portland in a couple of weeks. OSCON is one of the world's premiere events for those who care about Open Source, and one of my personal favorite conferences, with a powerful community vibe. And this year, the Android drums are sounding.

There are a bunch of mobile and Android-related sessions, both pure and extremely impure; for example, I bet both Steve Jobs and I are dubious about Cross-Compiling Android Applications to the iPhone. There's a full-dress Android for Java Developers tutorial. And (the one I helped cook up) there's the Android Hands-On; last I heard, registration for that is approaching 200 and, since O'Reilly found us a big room, it's not full up; but it will be.

On top of which, there are going to be a herd of Googlers at OSCON, and a sub-herd of Androiders, including Dan Morrill and Justin Mattson and me. This isn't surprising; what does surprise me is that OSCON hasn't previously been an Android love-fest. Because if you're interested in mobile devices and have a hankering for Open Source, Android is for you.

Android Market Problem

Earlier today we had a brief outage in Android Market. For a period of about thirty minutes, some users were unable to find any apps. The problem was detected and corrected, and we believe the user experience is now back to normal. We apologize for the outage.

Android Market Client Update

[This post is by Eric Chu, Android Developer Ecosystem. —Dirk Dougherty]

The Android Market engineering team has been hard at work on improving the Android Market experience for users and developers. Today, I’m pleased to announce a significant update to the Android Market client. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be rolling out a new Android Market client to all devices running Android 1.6 or higher.

This new Market client introduces important features that improve merchandising of applications, streamline the browse-to-purchase experience, and make it easier for developers to distribute their applications.

With a focus on improving discoverability and merchandising, we’ve introduced a new carousel on the home and category screens. Users can quickly flip through the carousel to view promoted applications and immediately go to the download page for the application they want. Developers have been very active in creating great Widgets and Live Wallpapers. To make it easier for users to find their favorites, we’re introducing two new categories for Widgets and Live Wallpapers. Applications that include Widgets and Wallpapers will be automatically added to those new categories. We’ll also be adding more categories for popular applications and games in the weeks ahead. In addition, the app details page now includes Related content, which makes it easier for users to quickly find apps of similar interest.

To streamline the browse-to-purchase experience, users can now access all the information about an application on a single page without the need to navigate across different tabs. We’re also introducing application content rating to provide users with more information about applications they are interested in. Since most users who request a refund do so within minutes of purchase, we will reduce the refund window on Market to 15 minutes. This change will be largely transparent to buyers, but will help developers manage their businesses more effectively.

To make it easier for developers to distribute and manage their products, we will introduce support for device targeting based on screen sizes and densities, as well as on GL texture compression formats. We are also increasing the maximum size for .apk files on Market to 50MB, to better support richer games.

With this release, we aimed to deliver features that are most requested by users and developers. However, we’re not done yet. We plan to continue to rapidly enhance Android Market for both users and developers and make it the best content distribution service for the Android ecosystem.

Please stay tuned as we continue to deliver new capabilities in the coming weeks and months.

Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize by merging

In the previous installment of Android Layout Tricks, I showed you how to use the tag in XML layout to reuse and share your layout code. I also mentioned the and it's now time to learn how to use it.

The was created for the purpose of optimizing Android layouts by reducing the number of levels in view trees. It's easier to understand the problem this tag solves by looking at an example. The following XML layout declares a layout that shows an image with its title on top of it. The structure is fairly simple; a FrameLayout is used to stack a TextView on top of an ImageView:


This layout renders nicely as we expected and nothing seems wrong with this layout:

A FrameLayout is used to overlay a title on top of an image

Things get more interesting when you inspect the result with HierarchyViewer. If you look closely at the resulting tree you will notice that the FrameLayout defined in our XML file (highlighted in blue below) is the sole child of another FrameLayout:

A layout with only one child of same dimensions can be removed

Since our FrameLayout has the same dimension as its parent, by the virtue of using the fill_parent constraints, and does not define any background, extra padding or a gravity, it is totally useless. We only made the UI more complex for no good reason. But how could we get rid of this FrameLayout? After all, XML documents require a root tag and tags in XML layouts always represent view instances.

That's where the tag comes in handy. When the LayoutInflater encounters this tag, it skips it and adds the children to the parent. Confused? Let's rewrite our previous XML layout by replacing the FrameLayout with :


With this new version, both the TextView and the ImageView will be added directly to the top-level FrameLayout. The result will be visually the same but the view hierarchy is simpler:

Optimized view hierarchy using the merge tag

Obviously, using works in this case because the parent of an activity's content view is always a FrameLayout. You could not apply this trick if your layout was using a LinearLayout as its root tag for instance. The can be useful in other situations though. For instance, it works perfectly when combined with the tag. You can also use when you create a custom composite view. Let's see how we can use this tag to create a new view called OkCancelBar which simply shows two buttons with customizable labels. You can also download the complete source code of this example. Here is the XML used to display this custom view on top of an image:


This new layout produces the following result on a device:

Creating a custom view with the merge tag

The source code of OkCancelBar is very simple because the two buttons are defined in an external XML file, loaded using a LayoutInflate. As you can see in the following snippet, the XML layout R.layout.okcancelbar is inflated with the OkCancelBar as the parent:

public class OkCancelBar extends LinearLayout { public OkCancelBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); setOrientation(HORIZONTAL); setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); setWeightSum(1.0f);  LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.okcancelbar, this, true);  TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.OkCancelBar, 0, 0);  String text = array.getString(R.styleable.OkCancelBar_okLabel); if (text == null) text = "Ok"; ((Button) findViewById(;  text = array.getString(R.styleable.OkCancelBar_cancelLabel); if (text == null) text = "Cancel"; ((Button) findViewById(;  array.recycle(); }}

The two buttons are defined in the following XML layout. As you can see, we use the tag to add the two buttons directly to the OkCancelBar. Each button is included from the same external XML layout file to make them easier to maintain; we simply override their id:


We have created a flexible and easy to maintain custom view that generates an efficient view hierarchy:

The resulting hierarchy is simple and efficient

The tag is extremely useful and can do wonders in your code. However, it suffers from a couple of limitation:

  • can only be used as the root tag of an XML layout
  • When inflating a layout starting with a , you must specify a parent ViewGroup and you must set attachToRoot to true (see the documentation of the inflate() method)

In the next installment of Android Layout Tricks you will learn about ViewStub, a powerful variation of that can help you further optimize your layouts without sacrificing features.

Download the complete source code of this example.